Sunday, January 11, 2015

Hiatus Over

Hello dear reader,

If you've been keeping up with my blog (which I highly doubt because I have VERY few readers), then you have probably noticed that it has been quite some time since my last post, and for that I do apologize. Life happens, you know. There have been a few times over the past few weeks where I thought, "Hey, I should write a new blog post," but I really didn't have anything to talk about. Today that changed. Right now my head has so many different thoughts floating around in my head, and I need to share them with someone... cue you! There are three(-ish) thoughts in particular, but one greatly deserves it's own post, so there will be another one coming shortly.

Ok, here it goes:

I'm graduating in May. That has really been sinking in with tomorrow being the first day of my last semester of college. What makes it even more unsettling is that I will be student teaching. I'd be lying if I told you that I'm not terrified. And excited. And completely uncertain. And I don't think it's all because of student teaching. I'm not sure that I actually see myself teaching for a long period of time. Don't get me wrong, based on what classroom experiences I've already had, I love it, but I don't necessarily see myself doing it for 5+ years, and that scares me. Is it common for people to have these kinds of doubts when they're about to enter the real world? Maybe its because there's so many things that I still want to do. And that brings me to my next thought:

I want to be a novelist. This isn't just a lofty dream either, I've been working on a manuscript for some time now and I finally reached the 50,000 word mark the other day. And now it's 150 pages long. 150! I can't even believe that I've written that much! It's nowhere near finished, but I have a goal of submitting it for publication by the end of this year. Right now I'm super motivated and excited about it, but my fear is that in a few months that enthusiasm will die down and this dream of becoming a novelist will just fade. I don't want that to happen.

I'm sorry that I didn't have any advice or insightful thoughts to share with you in this post, I promise you the next one will have more substance. If you have any ideas for future posts, please leave a comment.

Thanks for reading.

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